During this phase, getting to know the really important details about your day, you and your partner are paramount. All of the information I need to start building your Aisle Planner account is asked in your Pre-Boarding Questionnaire. 

These are different for every couple. some phases are combined with others and some are removed completely  and other times we add customized phases

Design & Styling

If you are just beginning, focus on reading through phases 1-3

Phase 1 (Pre-Board) 

Phase 2 (Activation & Onboarding) 

Phase 4 (Acceptance & Style Guide) 

Phase 6 (Details & Decisions) 

Phase 7 (Closing) 

Phase 3 ( Wedding Scope Analysis- Event Proposal) 

Phase 5 (All-Inclusive Floral & Decor Package) 

Take Away From This Phase:

Choosing your Activation Date is the last step of the Pre Boarding phase. You must submit  your completed Questionnaire . Once submitted, you will receive another email laying the groundwork for your next steps leading up to our Onboarding Call.
The sooner you get your Pre Board Questionnaire finished and submitted, the quicker you can select your Activation Date and then after - book your Onboarding Date. 

You cannot choose your Activation Date or Book Your Onboarding Call until your questionnaire has been completed & submitted 
You will be expected to:
  • create your P3 Mood Board on Pinterest
  • send a photo of you and your partner, together

You will also receive your Pre Board Questionnaire! This kicks everything off and is a slightly hefty...so take your time. 

Once you you've signed your contract and made your deposit, you receive your Welcome Email with a link to the website you're now on. 

Phase 1 (Pre-Board) 

  • your mood board & color scheme recommendation 
  • google hangout invitation for your onboarding call
The Night before your Onboarding Call you will receive: 
Take Away From This Phase:

Try and finish all of the questionnaires sent to you before your Onboarding Call. It allows us to know more and get more done for you before our call
  • chat about must have vendors, venue expectations

  • discuss venue (if you completed the questionnaire)

  • review your Mood Board & hear your thoughts 

  • hear your run through of your ideal wedding day 
  • review your package & it's inclusions to make sure you understand what you are receiving 
During your Onboarding Call we review the following things:
  • Using your answered questions to build your custom checklist & budget on your Aisle Planner Account

  • Finishing up your Mood Board & Color Scheme Recommendation (we send that over the night before your Onboarding Call)

While you are doing all of that we are: 

  • your GROUNDWORK email 
  • Venue Questionnaire 
  • Catering & Beverage Questionnaire 
  • Photography & Videography Questionnaire
  •  Stationery & Branding Questionnaire
Immediately after you have selected your Activation Date, you will receive:

Phase 2 (Activation & Onboarding) 

Phase 3 (Design Scope & Event Design Proposal)

Based on your Onboarding Call, approved Moodboard, your Pinterest and the questionnaires you filled out during your Onboarding process - I begin your Event Design Proposal. 
Please expect your Event Design Proposal 10-14 days after your Onboarding Call. 

I may have additional questions as I build out your proposal. I usually text these questions to keep the process going. Please let me know if you prefer all of my questions at once in a few emails as I go. 

If when you receive your Proposal, you have one of three options: 
  • you can respond LOVE IT! There are some minor detail changes but nothing that changes the budget or timing of the day! 
  • you can respond LOVE IT BUT here are my changes - can you make the update and send back to me?
  • I like it and we are almost there, but can we chat it through before you update the proposal?
Your Design & Styling package does not include budget management so we ask for your hard stop full design number and from that point on - anything presented to you will not pass that number. 
We will move dependent on your answer. Once your Proposal has been approved, I begin your Style Guide. You should expect that 10-15 days after accepting your Wedding Proposal.
Accepting your Wedding Proposal and receiving your Aisle Planner Checklist 
Take Away From This Phase:

Your budget Analysis is a PDF presented to you but also can be found on Aisle Planner where you can view real time edits. Unless you have decided to handle and update your budget without P3, we ask you please just view and leave the updates to us. 
Your budget will reflect your requested budget, what has been spend and based on your approved Event Proposal & Style Guide - your projected costs moving forward 
In your Budget Analysis, you will not only receive the PDF to view and the realtime version on Aisle Planner but you also receive a Recommended Budget. If you notice that your Requested Budget is not aligning with the wedding in your event proposal, you have two choices - scale back or crank up the budget

Phase 5 (Budget Analysis) 

Once we receive that approval, your Budget Analysis Phase begins. Please expect your Budget Analysis 3-7 days after approving your Style Guide. 
Accepting your Style Guide 
Take Away From This Phase:

If you receive your Style Guide and LOVE EVERYTHING, respond to the Style Guide email, with APPROVED! 
Every page presented to you in PDF version of your Style Guide is listed in your Design Tab in separate boxes! Please review each page and leave the following info:
  • i love this page because 
  • the things I like or love the most are
  • i am not feeling these details because 
  • can we change 

If your Partner is involved in the design side, definitely review together and note any changes on Aisle Planner. Each page of your Style Guide will be uploaded to the Design Tab of Aisle Planner.
You will receive an email letting you know your Style Guide pages are available on Aisle Planner for review and make comments. You will also have a PDF version of your guide attached to that same email. 

Phase 4 (Acceptance &  Style Guide)

Once we are wrapped on the design - we will reach back out to you to get the Details & Decisions underway! 
Accepting your All-Inclusive Floral & Decor Package
Take Away From This Phase:

Once you have booked your All-Inclusive Package, we know our orders and get to work bringing it to life. You will be contacted when there are questions we cannot answer on preference but other than that - we know your wishes based on all of our prep and Style Guide .
Now that you have approved your Style Guide & Event Design Proposal, we get right to work bringing this to life in the shape of your All-Inclusive Event Floral & Decor Package! 
This includes everything from invitations, florals and lighting to custom design cocktail napkins, Welcome Signs and furniture rentals! 
Your All-Inclusive Package will be delivered to you via 17hats as a Proposal and when you are ready, can book and make your deposit like you did for this package. 

Phase 5 (All-Inclusive Floral & Decor Package

Lastly, we review your Design Proposal and Style Guide one last time to make sure we didn't miss a THING and from there make a plan to get any new tasks completed. 

This is also when we confirm our directions for load in as well as confirming arrival time and breakdown time. 
Once your Design Package has been booked, we reach back out to you to review your design. This is the time when additions can be made, any enhancements you were going back and forth on can be discussed again. 

Phase 6 (Details & Decisions)

Dependent on the changes or updates, we make the necessary changes to your Invoice and then schedule your Closing Call! 

Dotting the I's & Crossing the T's!
Take Away From This Phase:

Peace of Mind! 
Take Away From This Phase:

Phase 7 (Final Review & Closing 

After you have had your Details & Decisions, we are officially done until your actual event date! 

Please let us know if you have scheduled a walk-through with your venue and we will attend that within 30 days of your event. 

Finally, if you have any items you are providing yourself for us to setup on your behalf,  we take inventory during this call. 

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